Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bruce Hardwood Floors Featured on Ron Hazelton's HouseCalls

Bruce® Hardwood Floors Featured on Ron Hazelton’s HouseCalls

The beauty of Bruce Hardwood Floors is front and center in a recent episode of Ron Hazelton’s HouseCalls, the 30-minute home improvement series taking viewers into the homes of real-life do-it-yourselfers in need of a little help. Ron and his wife visit the ArmstrongTM Web site where they choose Bruce Ecostrip™, a solid red oak hardwood floor in a natural finish, to replace old ceramic tile in the kitchen of their Connecticut home (episode 508).

To ensure the hardwood floor is properly installed, Ron calls upon John Klepp-Egge, technical services manager, Armstrong Flooring.

Airdates, schedules and additional information can be found at

Ron is a familiar face, having completed hundreds of household projects as host of the long-running series The House Doctor. He is also well known as the Home Improvement Editor for ABC's Good Morning America. Ron has also been featured as a home improvement expert on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Discovery Channel's Popular Mechanics and Lifetime Television's Our Home and The History Channel's popular Modern Marvels show. Ron is known for relating to viewers on a personal level, providing friendly and accessible guidance – as well as the motivation – to make their homes a better place to live.

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